Telangana Electricity Tariff (Bill) Calculator & Per unit rate 2020


We have added extra calculator function for calculating three phase & single phase electricity bill and Now you can calculate the Telangana bill on monthly basis.

Telangana Electricity Bill Calculator:

Enter the total unit consumption in kWh (units) or choose the reading known option. In reading option, you can calculate your current bill by entering your meter reading (initial and final).

Choose Reading or unit:  
Select Supply 1 phase3 phase  
Total Unit Consumption As per TSERC: kWh
Enter The Number of Month: Month
Result – Total Energy Charges: INR
Result – Fixed Charges Amount: INR
Result – Electricity Tax Amount: INR
Result – Electricity Duty Amount: INR
Result – Meter rent Amount: INR
Result – Total Bill Amount: INR

Telangana electricity Bill calculation:

Telangana electricity tariff calculator is used to calculate the total electricity bill as per the current tariff rate for the year of 2020 from the Telangana state electricity regulatory commission.

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Telangana electricity board charges three slaps for LT domestic or retail consumers and four slaps for the commercial consumer.

  • Domestic consumer electricity less than 100 units they will be charged in LT(1) A tariff rates.
  • The consumer has electricity consumption more than 100 units and less than 200 means they have LT(1) B tariff rates.
  • In cases, your overall consumption is more than 500 means, you will come into LT (1) C tariff rates.

In additionally, electricity duty charger is applicable. It is 0.06 paise per unit.

Current electricity slab (tariff) rate in Telangana 2020:

Below mention table indicates the current tariff rate for the domestic LT consumer.

Telangana Domestic Tariff Rate for single phase and Three Phase
Scheme Unit Per unit(₹) Fixed Charges  Per Month
A 0-50 1.45 25
51-100 2.6 30
B 0-100 3.3 25
101-200 4.3 50
C 0 -200 5 50
201-300 7.2 60
301-400 8.5 80
401-800 9 80
>800 9.5 80
Three phase All same as 1ph 150
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LT Commercial Consumer Tariff Rate – Telangana

The consumer is using electricity for own business, advertisement banners, saloon shop etc. will come into commercial Lt tariff. Here, the commercial consumer will pay 200% higher than the domestic consumers. Also, a commercial consumer has to pay fixed rated as extra. Look at the table of tariff rate for a commercial building,

Commercial Consumer LT tariff
LT Power Range Per unit(₹) Fixed Charges Max unit
A 0-50 6 50 50
B 0-100 7.5 60 >500
101-300 8.9 60 >500
301-500 9.4 60 >500
>500 10 60 >500
C Ad banner 12 60 Unlimited
D 0-50 5.3 60 200
0-100 6.6 60 200
101-200 7.5 60 200


LT A Category Tariff rates under 100 units:

The consumer power consumption is below 100 means, they have to pay ₹ 1.45/- per unit- for the first 50 units and ₹ 2.60/- per unit for the second 50 units.


Consider that, you have consumer 92 units, let we calculate your current bill Now.

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As per the latest tariff rate by Telangana government, you will come into the LT A category. The first 50 unit you need to pay 1.45 per unit and next 42 unit you have to pay 2.6 per unit.

Hence you electricity bill will be 217.22 /-

Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 92 Units
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Unit Billing
Category I 0-50 1.45 50 72.5
51-100 2.6 42 109.2
Energy Charges 181.7
Duty 5.52
Fixed Charges 30
Total 217.22

LT B Category Tariff rates more than 100 and less than 200 units:

Consumer who consumes total power of above 100 units and less than 200 units, they will pay LT B category tariff. It is approximately 150% higher than the tariff LT A. here the tariff rates for 0-100 units 3.33 per unit and for 100-200 units, you pay 4.3/ – per unit.


Calculate the Telangana electricity bill for 185 units of power consumption.

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As we said, above 100 &  less than 200 units consumer will come into LT B category. Hence, for first 100 units the per unit cost will be ₹ 3.3 and the next 85 units the per unit cost will be ₹ 4.3. The final bill cost is 756.6 /-

Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 185 Units
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Unit Billing
Category II 0-100 3.3 100 330
101-200 4.3 85 365.5
Energy Charges 695.5
Duty 11.1
Fixed Charges 50
Total 756.6

LT C Category Tariff rates more than 200 units:

When your consumption is more than 200 units mean, then you have to pay LT C category. Here you will pay ₹ 5/- for the first 200 units, ₹ 7.2/- for the next 100 units, ₹ 8.5 for the next 100 units, ₹ 9/- for the next 400 units, and ₹ 9.5 for the all above.


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Let we Find your electricity bill for the 1062 units.

Look at the table, for first 200 unit it is ₹ 1000, for next 100 unit it is ₹ 720, next 100 units it is ₹ 850, next 400 units ₹ 3600, and next 262 unit it is ₹ 2489/-. Electricity duty tax is ₹ 0.06 for the total units, in addition to that the consumer shall pay ₹ 80/month as minimum fixed charges Hence your final bill will be ₹ 8802.72 for 1062 units.

Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 1062 Units
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Unit Billing
Category III 0 -200 5 200 1000
201-300 7.2 100 720
301-400 8.5 100 850
401-800 9 400 3600
>800 9.5 262 2489
Energy Charges 8659
Duty 63.72
Fixed Charges 80
Total 8802.72



  1. Hi
    You can add to accept the dates of previous and present months meter readings and calculate Bill , as per proportionate billing methodology adopted by TS electricity board


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