Gate ME-2007 Question Paper With Solutions

Q.36. Atmospheric air at a flow rate of 3 kg/s (on dry basis) enters a cooling and dehumidifying coil with an enthalpy of 85 kJ/kg of dry air and a humidity ratio of 19 grams/kg of dry air. The air leaves the coil with an enthalpy of 43 kJ/kg of dry air and a humidity ratio of 8 grams/kg of dry air. If the condensate water leaves the coil with an enthalpy of 67 kJ/kg, the required cooling capacity of the coil in kw is

(A) 75.0

(B) 123.8

(C) 128.2

(D) 159.0

Answer: (C)


Gate ME-2007 Question Paper With Solutions

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