Gate CS-2015-3 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 34 In a web server, ten Webpages are stores with the URLs of the form http:www. where, var is different number from 1 to 10 for each
Webpage. Suppose, the client stores the Webpage with var = 1(say W1) in local
machine, edits and then tests. Rest of the Webpages remains on the web server.
W1 contains several relative URLs of the form “var.html” referring to the other
webpages. Which one of the following statements needs to be added in W1, so
that all the relative URLs in W1 refers to the appropriate Webpages on the web

(A) <ahref: “”,href: “…var.html”>

(B) <base href: “”>

(C) <a href: “”>

(D) <base href : “”, range: “…var.html”>

Answer: (B)


Gate CS-2015-3 Question Paper With Solutions

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