Gate CS-2015-2 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 43 Consider the intermediate code given below.

1. i = 1
2. j = 1
3. t1 = 5 * i
4. t2 = t1 + j
5. t3 = 4 * t2
6. t4 = t3
7. a[t4] = –1
8. j = j + 1
9. if j <= 5 goto(3)
10. i = i + 1
11. if i < 5 goto(2)

The number of nodes and edges in the control-flow-graph constructed for the
above code, respectively, are

(A) 5 and 7

(B) 6 and 7

(C) 5 and 5

(D) 7 and 8

Answer: (B)


Gate CS-2015-2 Question Paper With Solutions

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