Q. 47 Suppose you want to move from 0 to 100 on the number line. In each step, you
either move right by a unit distance or you take a shortcut. A shortcut is simply
a pre-specified pair of integers i, j with i < j . Given a shortcut i, j if you are at
position i on the number line, you may directly move to j . Suppose T k ^ h denotes
the smallest number of steps needed to move from k to 100. Suppose further that
there is at most 1 shortcut involving any number, and in particular from 9 there
is a shortcut to 15. Let y and z be such that T(9) = 1 +min(T(y),(T(z)). Then
the value of the product yz is _________.
(A) 50
(B) 100
(C) 150
(D) 200
Answer: (C)