Gate CS-2011 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 53 Consider a network with five nodes, N1 to N5, as shown below.


Gate CS-2011 Question Paper With Solutions

The network uses a Distance Vector Routing protocol. Once the routes have stabilized, the distance vectors at different nodes are as following.

N1: (0, 1, 7, 8, 4)
N2: (1, 0, 6, 7, 3)
N3: (7, 6, 0, 2, 6)
N4: (8, 7, 2, 0, 4)
N5: (4, 3, 6, 4, 0)

Each distance vector is the distance of the best known path at that instance to nodes, N1toN5N1toN5, where the distance to itself is . Also, all links are symmetric and the cost is identical in both directions. In each round, all nodes exchange their distance vectors with their respective neighbors. Then all nodes update their distance vectors. In between two rounds, any change in cost of a link will cause the two incident nodes to change only that entry in their distance vectors.

The cost of link N2N3N2−N3 reduces to 22 (in both directions).After the update in the previous question, the link N1-N2 goes down. N2 will reflect this change immediately in its distance vector as cost, 3. After the NEXT ROUND of update, what will be the cost to N1 in the distance vector of N3?

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(A) 3

(B) 9

(C) 10


Answer: (C)


Gate CS-2011 Question Paper With Solutions


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