Gate CS-2010 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 16 A computer system has an L1 cache, an L2 cache, and a main memory unit connected as shown below. The block size in L1 cache is 4 words. The block size in L2 cache is 16 words. The memory access times are 2 nanoseconds. 20 nanoseconds and 200 nanoseconds for L1 cache, L2 cache and main memory unit respectively.

Gate CS-2010 Question Paper With Solutions

When there is a miss in L1 cache and a hit in L2 cache, a block is transferred form
L2 cache to L1 cache. What is the time taken for this transfer ?

(A) 2 nanoseconds

(B) 20 nanoseconds

(C) 22 nanoseconds

(D) 88 nanoseconds

Answer: (C)


Gate CS-2010 Question Paper With Solutions

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