Gate CS-2010 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 14 A-5 stage pipelined processor has Instruction Fetch. (IF), Instruction Decode
(ID), Operand Fetch (OF), Perform Operation (PO) and Write Operand (WO)
stages. The IF, ID, OF and WO stages take 1 clock cycle each for any instruction.
The PO stage takes 1 clock cycle for ADD and SUB instruction. The PO stage
takes 1 stake clock cycle for ADD and SUB instructions 3 clock cycles for
MUL instruction, and 6 clock cycles for DIV instruction respectively. Operand
forwarding is used in the pipeline. What is the number of clock cycles needed to
execute the following sequence of instructions ?

Gate CS-2010 Question Paper With Solutions

(A) 13

(B) 15

(C) 17

(D) 19

Answer: (B)


Gate CS-2010 Question Paper With Solutions

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