Gate CS-2009 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 6 Consider the following graph:

Gate CS-2009 Question Paper With Solutions
Which one of the following is NOT the sequence of edges added to the minimum
spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm ?

(A) (b, e) (e, f) (a, c) (b, c) (f, g) (c, d)

(B) (b, e) (e, f) (a, c) (f, g) (b, c) (c, d)

(C) (b, e) (a, c) (e, f) (b, c) (f, g) (c, d)

(D) (b, e) (e, f) (b, c) (a, c) (f, g) (c, d)

Answer: (D)


Gate CS-2009 Question Paper With Solutions

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