Gate CS-2004 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 84 Consider the following C program segment

struct CellNode{
    struct CellNode *leftChild
    int element;
    struct CellNode *rightChild;

int Dosomething (struct CellNode *ptr)
    int value = ;
    if(ptr != NULL)
        if (ptr -> leftChild != NULL)
            value = 1 + DoSomething (ptr -> leftChild);
        if (ptr -> rightChild != NULL)
            value = max(value, 1 + Dosomething (ptr -> rightChild));

The value returned by the function DoSomething when a pointer to the proof of

a non-empty tree is passed as argument is

(A) The number of leaf nodes in the tree

(B) The number of nodes in the tree

(C) The number of internal nodes in the tree

(D) The height of the tree.

Answer: (D)


Gate CS-2004 Question Paper With Solutions

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