Water Horsepower Calculator, Formula, Horsepower Calculation

Water Horsepower Calculator

Enter the values of flow rate, Q(gpm) and head of water, H(ft) to determine the value of Water horsepower, WHP(W).

Enter Flow Rate: gpm
Enter Head of Water: ft
Result – Water Horsepower: W

Water Horsepower Formula:

Water horsepower (WHP) measures the power harnessed from moving water. It’s expressed in watts indicating the equivalent mechanical power output a water source could generate.

Head of water combines the vertical lift the water needs to reach and the energy lost due to friction in pipes. Knowing the available water horsepower allows for selecting turbines with the right capacity to convert water flow into electricity efficiently.

A higher flow rate (Q) or a higher total dynamic head (H) will result in a greater water horsepower (WHP), indicating more potential power available. Friction losses within the head reduce the overall available energy and consequently decrease the calculated WHP.

Extracting power from moving water can have environmental impacts. Careful planning and responsible practices are essential to minimize disruption to ecosystems. Understanding water horsepower can help predict the power of rapids or flowing water for activities like kayaking or whitewater rafting.

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Water horsepower, WHP(W) in watts is calculated by multiplying the flow rate, Q(gpm) of water in gallons per minute by the head of water, H(ft) in feet, and then dividing by a constant value (3960).

Water horsepower, WHP(W) = Q(gpm) * H(ft) / 3960

WHP(W) = water horsepower in watts, W.

Q(gpm) = flow rate in gallons per minute, gpm.

H(ft) = head of water in feet, ft.

Water Horsepower Calculation:

  1. A pump delivers 50 gallons of water per minute (GPM) against a total dynamic head of 70 feet. What is the water horsepower?

Given: Q(gpm) = 50gpm, H(ft) = 70ft.

Water horsepower, WHP(W) = Q(gpm) * H(ft) / 3960

WHP(W) = 50 * 70 / 3960

WHP(W) = 0.881W.

  1. A pump requires 2 horsepower to overcome a total dynamic head of 40 feet. What is the flow rate of the water?

Given: WHP(W) = 2W, H(ft) = 40ft.

Water horsepower, WHP(W) = Q(gpm) * H(ft) / 3960

Q(gpm) = WHP(W) * 3960 / H(ft)

Q(gpm) = 2 * 3960 / 40

Q(gpm) = 198gpm.

Learn More:   Moving Force Calculator, Formula, MF Calculation


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