Vertical Jump Power Calculator, Formula, Vertical Jump Power Calculation

Vertical Jump Power Calculator:

Enter the values of body weight, BW(kg) and jump-reach score, JRS(m) to determine the value of Vertical jump power, Pj(W).

Enter Body Weight: kg
Enter Jump-Reach Score: m
Result – Vertical Jump Power: W

Vertical Jump Power Formula:

Vertical jump power (Pj), measured in watts (W), estimates the theoretical maximum power exerted by your legs during a jump. It considers your body weight and jump characteristics to provide a snapshot of your jumping explosiveness.

Higher body weight generally leads to greater power output during the jump, but also requires more force to overcome gravity.

Jump-reach score reflects the distance your body explosively moves against gravity during the jump, influencing the power calculation.

The formula assumes your legs perform work against gravity by propelling your body weight (BW) to a certain height (JRS).

The square root of (4.9 * BW) represents the theoretical force generated by your legs during the jump. The constant 4.9 is a conversion factor.

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The square root of (JRS) signifies the jump velocity (speed) achieved at the peak of the jump. Finally, multiplying these factors by 9.81 (gravitational acceleration) accounts for the gravitational force acting against your jump.

Vertical jump power, Pj(W) in watts is calculated by the product of 9.81 and square root of body weight, BW(kg) in kilograms, jump-reach score, JRS(m) in metres and 4.9.

Vertical jump power, Pj(W) = √( BW(kg) * JRS(m) * 4.9) * 9.81

Pj(W) = vertical jump power in watts, W.

BW(kg) = body weight in kilograms, kg.

JRS(m) = jump-reach score in metres, m.

Vertical Jump Power Calculation:

1. Calculating Vertical Jump Power (Pj)


Body Weight BW(kg) = 70 kg

Jump Reach Score JRS(m) = 0.5 m

Vertical jump power, Pj(W) = √( BW(kg) * JRS(m) * 4.9) * 9.81

Pj(W) = √(70 * 0.5 * 4.9) * 9.81

Pj(W) = 13.09 * 9.81

Pj(W) = 128.46W.

2. Calculating body weight:


Vertical Jump Power, Pj(W) = 150W

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Jump Reach Score JRS(m) = 0.4 m

Vertical jump power, Pj(W) = √( BW(kg) * JRS(m) * 4.9) * 9.81

150 = √( BW(kg) * 0.4 * 4.9) * 9.81

150 / √0.4 * 9.81 = √( BW(kg) * 4.9)

75.38 = √( BW(kg) * 4.9)

75.382 = BW(kg) * 4.9

5681.64 = BW(kg) * 4.9

BW(kg) = 5681.64 / 4.9

BW(kg) = 1160kg.


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