Tsunami Velocity Calculator, Formula, Tsunami Velocity Calculation

Tsunami Velocity Calculator:

Enter the values of Accelaration of gravity g(m/s2) & Depth of the water D(m) to determine the value of Tsunami Velocity Vt(MPH).

Enter Accelaration of Gravity: m/s2
Enter Depth of the Water: m
Result – Tsunami Velocity: MPH

Tsunami Velocity Formula:

The Tsunami Velocity Vt(MPH) in Meter Per Hour is equal to the SQRT of the Accelaration of gravity g(m/s2) in meter per second square into multiply the Depth of the water D(m) in meter and again multiply the value of 2.237.

The Formula of Tsunami Velocity can be writtern as,

Vt(MPH) = SQRT ( g(m/s2) * D(m) ) * 2.237


Vt(MPH) = Tsunami Velocity in Meter Per Hour

g(m/s2) = Accelaration of gravity in meter per second square

D(m) = Depth of the water in meter

Tsunami Velocity Calculation :

1)Calculate the Tsunami Velocity and given for gravity = 9.81m/s2 , Depth of the water = 150m.


Vt = √( g * D ) * 2.237

Vt = √ ( 9.81 * 150 ) * 2.237

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Vt = 85.81MPH.

2)Calculate the Depth of the water and given for gravity = 9.81m/s2 , Tsunami Velocity = 85.81MPH.


Vt = √( g * D ) * 2.237

85.81 = √ ( 9.81 * D ) * 2.237

D = 150m.



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