Toggle Force Calculator:
Enter the values of effort force EF(lbf) , length of the half base toggle L(feet) & height of the toggle H(feet) to determine the value of toggle force TF(lbf) .
Toggle Force Formula:
The toggle force TF(lbf) in lbf is equal to the effort force EF(lbf) in lbf into multiply the length of the half base toggle L(feet) in feet is divided by the height of the toggle H(feet) in feet into multiply the value of 2.
The equation of toggle force can be writtern as,
TF(lbf) = EF(lbf) * L(feet) / ( 2 * H(feet) )
TF(lbf) = toggle force in lbf
EF(lbf) = effort force in lbf
L(feet) = length of the half base toggle in feet
H(feet) = height of the toggle in feet
Calculation For Toggle Force :
1)To find the toggle force and effort force 300lbf and length of the toggle 4feet and height of the toggle 2feet.
TF = EF * L / 2 * H
TF = 300 * 4 / 2 * 2
TF = 300lbf.
2)To find the height of the toggle and the toggle force 300lbf and effort force 300lbf and length of the toggle 4feet.
TF = EF * L / 2 * H
300 = 300 * 4 / 2 * H
H = 2feet.