Stepper Motor Torque Calculator, Formula, Stepper Motor Torque Calculation

Stepper Motor Torque Calculator:

Enter the values of torque constant, KT(N.m/A) and the current, i(A) to determine the value of the torque generated by a stepper motor, Tsm(N.m).

Enter Torque Constant: N.m/A
Enter Current: A
Result – Stepper Motor: N.m

Stepper Motor Torque Formula:

The stepper motor torque formula is essential for determining the torque output of a stepper motor, which is a type of electric motor used in precision control applications. Stepper motors move in discrete steps, making them ideal for systems requiring precise movements and positioning.

The torque generated by a stepper motor, Tsm(N.m) in Newton metres, is calculated by multiplying the torque constant, KT(N.m/A) in Newton metres per Ampere, by the current, i(A) in Amperes, flowing through the motor.

Stepper motor, Tsm(N.m) = KT(N.m/A) * i(A)

Tsm(N.m) = Stepper motor in Newton metres, N.m.

KT(N.m/A) = torque constant in Newton metres per Ampere, N.m/A.

i(A) = current in Amperes, A.

Stepper Motor Torque Calculation:

1. A stepper motor with a torque constant of 0.5 N.m/A is used in a precision positioning system. If the motor operates with a current of 2.5A, calculate the torque it generates.

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Given: KT(N.m/A) = 0.5 N.m/A, i(A) = 2.5A

Stepper motor, Tsm(N.m) = KT(N.m/A) * i(A)

Tsm(N.m) = 0.5 * 2.5

Tsm(N.m) = 1.25N.m.

2. To actuate a joint in a robotic arm, a stepper motor with a torque constant of 0.8 N.m/A is selected. If the required torque to move the joint is 2.4N.m, calculate the current needed through the motor.

Given: KT(N.m/A) = 0.8N.m/A, Tsm(N.m) = 2.4N.m

Stepper motor, Tsm(N.m) = KT(N.m/A) * i(A)

i(A) = Tsm(N.m) / KT(N.m/A)

i(A) = 2.4 / 0.8

i(A) = 3A.


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