Special Relativity Velocity Calculator, Formula, Special Relativity Velocity Calculation

Special Relativity Velocity Calculator:

Enter the values of Relative Time RT(sec) , Actual time T(sec) & Speed of Light C(m/s) to determine the value of Special Relativity Velocity V(m/s).

Enter Relative Time: sec
Enter Actual Time: sec
Enter Speed of Light: m/s
Result – Special Relativity Velocity Calculator: m/s

Special Relativity Velocity Formula:

The Special Relativity Velocity V(m/s) in meter per second is equal to the SQRT of the value 1 to Subtracted by the Relative Time RT(sec) in Second is Divided by the Actual time T(sec) in second and is squared to multiply the Speed of Light C(m/s) in meter per second.

The Formula of Special Relativity Velocity can be writtern as,

V(m/s) = SQRT ( 1 – ( RT(sec) / T(sec) )2 ) * C(m/s)


V(m/s) = Special Relativity Velocity in meter per second

RT(sec) = Relative Time in Second

T(sec) = Actual time in second

C(m/s) = Speed of Light in meter per second

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Special Relativity Velocity Calculation:

1)Determine the Special Relativity Velocity and given for Relative Time = 20s , Actual time = 80s , Speed of Light = 299 792 458 m/s.


V = √( 1 – ( RT / T )2 ) * C

V = √ ( 1 – ( 20 / 80 )2 ) * 299 792 458

V = 290272799.288m/s.

2)Determine the Actual time and given for Relative Time = 20s ,Special Relativity Velocity = 290272799.288m/s  , Speed of Light = 299 792 458 m/s.


V = √( 1 – ( RT / T )2 ) * C

290272799.288 = √ ( 1 – ( 20 / T )2 ) * 299 792 458

T = 80s.


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