Source Voltage Calculator, Formula, Source Voltage Calculation

Source Voltage Calculator:

Enter the values of resistance, R(Ω), current, I(A) and driving voltage, Vd(V) to determine the value of source voltage, Vs(V).

Enter Resistance: Ω
Enter Current: A
Enter Diving Voltage: V
Result – Source Voltage: V

Source Voltage Formula:

Source voltage is a fundamental parameter in circuit analysis, particularly when dealing with series circuits involving batteries and other voltage-dropping components like resistors or diodes.

It represents the total voltage that must be applied to a circuit to overcome the voltage drop across the circuit components and deliver the required driving voltage at a certain point.Top of Form

This formula helps in determining the necessary input voltage to ensure the proper function of the circuit under given conditions.

Source voltage, Vs(V) in volts equals the sum of the product of resistance, R(Ω) in ohms and current, I(A) in amperes, plus the driving voltage, Vd(V) in volts.

Source voltage, Vs(V) = R(Ω) * I(A) + Vd(V)

Vs(V) = source voltage in volts, V.

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R(Ω) = resistance in ohms, Ω.

I(A) = current in amperes, A.

Vd(V) = driving voltage in volts, V.

Source Voltage Calculation:

  1. Calculate the source voltage required to ensure a driving voltage of 9 volts across a device with a total resistance of 2 ohms, when the current flowing is 3 amperes:

Given: R(Ω) = 2 Ω, I(A) = 3A, Vd(V) = 9V.

Source voltage, Vs(V) = R(Ω) * I(A) + Vd(V)

Vs(V) = 2 * 3 + 9

Vs(V) = 6 + 9

Vs(V) = 15V.

  1. Determine the current needed for a circuit with a resistance of 4 ohms and a driving voltage of 5 volts, if the source voltage is 11V:

Given: R(Ω) = 4Ω, Vs(V) = 11V, Vd(V) = 5V.

Source voltage, Vs(V) = R(Ω) * I(A) + Vd(V)

I(A) = Vs(V) – Vd(V) / R(Ω)

I(A) = 11 – 5 / 4

I(A) = 1.5A.

Applications and Considerations:

  • Circuit Design: Source voltage calculations are essential for designing circuits that meet specific voltage requirements at various points.
  • Power Supply Management: Ensuring the proper source voltage helps in managing power supplies in electronic devices efficiently.
  • Troubleshooting: Calculating the source voltage can assist in troubleshooting issues related to insufficient voltage levels in complex circuits.
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