RPM to Torque Calculator, Formula, RPM to Torque Calculation

RPM to Torque Calculator:

Enter the values of horse power and speed, S to generate the value of Torque, T(ft.lb).

Enter Horse Power:
Enter Speed: RPM
Result – Torque: ft.lb

RPM to Torque Formula:

The RPM to torque conversion quantifies the rotational force an engine produces at a specific speed.

Torque, T(ft.lb) in pound feet is equated by dividing the product of 5252.08 and power in horse power, P by speed, S in rpm.

RPM to Torque,T(ft.lb) = (5252.08 * P) / S

T(ft.lb) = Torque in pound feet, ft.lb

P = Horse power.

S = Speed in rpm.

RPM to Torque Calculation:

1. A sports car’s engine produces a power of 300 horsepower at 6000 RPM. Calculate the torque output at this engine speed.

Given: Power (P) = 300 HP, Speed (S) = 6000 RPM.

Torque, T(ft.lb) = (5252.08 * P) / S

T(ft.lb) = (5252.08 * 300) / 6000

T(ft.lb) = 262.604

2. The generated torque in economy car’s engine is 157.56 ft.lb at 4000 RPM. Determine the horse power generated at this speed.

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Given: T(ft.lb) = 157.56 ft.lb, Speed (S) = 4000 RPM.

Torque, T(ft.lb) = (5252.08 * P) / S

157.56 = (5252.08 * P) / 4000

P =120HP.


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