Pitch Line Velocity Calculator, Formula, Pitch Line Velocity Calculation

Pitch Line Velocity Calculator:

Enter the values of Diameter of the pitch d(inches) & Angular velocity w(RPM) to determine the value of Pitch Line Velocity PLV(ft/s) .

Enter Diameter of the pitch: inches
Enter Angular velocity: RPM
Result – Pitch Line Velocity: ft/s

Pitch Line Velocity Formula:

The Pitch Line Velocity PLV(ft/s) in feet per second is equal to the 3.141 value into multiply the Diameter of the pitch d(inches) in inches is divided by the value of 12 into multiply the Angular velocity w(RPM) in Rotation Per Minute and divided by the value of 60.

The Formula of Pitch Line Velocity can be writtern as,

PLV(ft/s) = pi * ( d(inches) / 12 ) * w(RPM) / 60


PLV(ft/s) = Pitch Line Velocity in feet per second

d(inches) = Diameter of the pitch in inches

w(RPM) = Angular velocity in Rotation Per Minute

Example Problems for Pitch Line Velocity:

1)Calculate the Pitch Line Velocity and given for Diameter of the pitch = 6inches , Angular velocity = 30RPM.

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PLV = pi * ( d / 12 ) * w / 60

PLV = 3.141 * ( 6 / 12 ) * 30 / 60

PLV = 0.78ft/s.

2)Calculate the Angular velocity and given for Diameter of the pitch = 6inches , Pitch Line Velocity = 0.78ft/s.


PLV = pi * ( d / 12 ) * w / 60

0.78 = 3.141 * ( 6 / 12 ) * w / 60

w = 30RPM.


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