Photon Energy Calculator:
Enter the values of Planck constant h(6.6261 × 10-34 J*s), Speed of Light c(299 792 458 m / s) & Wavelength λ(m) to determine the value of Photon Energy E(J).
Photon Energy Formula:
The Photon Energy E(J) in Joules is Equal to the Planck constant h(6.6261 × 10-34 J*s) in 6.6261*10-34 Joules*second and Multiply the Speed of Light c(299792458 m / s) in 29979458 meter per second and is Divided by the Wavelength of a Photon λ(m) in meter.
The Photon Energy E(J) in Joules is Equal to the Planck constant h(6.6261 × 10-34 J*s) in 6.6261*10-34 Joules*second and Multiply the Frequency of a Photon f(Hz) in Hertz.
The Equation of Photon Energy can be written as,
E(J) = h(6.6261 × 10-34 J*s) * c(299 792 458 m / s) / λ(m)
E(J) = h(6.6261 × 10-34 J*s) * f(Hz)
E(J) = Photon Energy in Joules
h(6.6261 × 10-34 J*s) = Planck constant in 6.6261*10-34 Joules*second
c(299 792 458 m / s) = Speed of Light in 299792458 meter per second
λ(m) = Wavelength of a Photon in meter
f(Hz) = Frequency of a Photon in Hertz
Photon Energy Calculation:
1)Calculate the Photon Energy and given for the Planck constant = 6.6261*10-34J*sec , Speed of Light = 299792458m/s , Wavelength of a Photon = 100m , Frequency of a Photon = 10Hz.
E = h * c / λ
E = 6.6261*10-34 * 29979458 / 6
E = 1.9864689e-28J.
E = h * f
E = 6.6261*10-34 * 10
E = 6.6261e-33J.