Newton to G- Force Calculator:
Enter the values of Force F(Newton) , Mass m(kg) & Gravity g(m/s2) to determine the value of number of G- forces GF(Gs) .
Newton to G- Force Formula:
The number of G- forces GF(Gs) in Gs is equal to the force F(Newton) in Newton divided by the mass m(kg) in kilogram and then again divided by the gravity g(m/s2) in 9.81m/s2.
The equation of G- forces can be writtern as,
GF(Gs) = F(Newton) / m(kg) / g(m/s2)
GF(Gs) = number of G- forces in Gs
F(Newton) = force in Newton
m(kg) = mass in kilogram
g(m/s2) = gravity in 9.81m/s2
Calculation for Newton to G- Force:
To find the G- forces and the force 54N and mass 9kg and gravity in 9.81m/s2.
GF = F / m / 9.81
GF = 54 / 9 / 9.81
GF = 0.611Gs
To find the force and G- forces 0.611Gs and mass 9kg and gravity in 9.81m/s2.
GF = F / m / 9.81
0.611Gs = F / 9 / 9.81
F = 54N.