Near Force Calculator, Formula, NF Calculation

Near Force Calculator

Enter the values of mass, m(kg) and acceleration, A(m/s2) to determine the value of near Force, NF(N).

Enter Mass: kg
Enter Acceleration m/s2
Result – Near Force: N

Near Force Formula

Near force is the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object. It determines the acceleration of the object according to Newton’s second law of motion.

Near Force, NF(N) in Newtons is calculated by multiplying the mass, m(kg) in kilograms of an object by its acceleration, A(m/s2) in metres per second squared.

Near Force, NF(N) = m(kg)  * A(m/s2)

NF(N) = near force in Newtons, N.

m(kg)   = mass in kilograms, kg.

A(m/s2)  = acceleration in metres per second squared, m/s2.

Near Force Calculation:

  1. Calculate the net force required to accelerate a 5 kg cart at 3 m/s2.

Given: m(kg)   = 5kg, A(m/s2)  = 3m/s2.

Near Force, NF(N) = m(kg)  * A(m/s2)

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NF(N) = 5 * 3

NF(N) = 15N.

  1. A near force of 200 Newtons acting on a mass of 50 kilograms and you want to find the acceleration.

Given: m(kg)   = 50kg, NF(N) = 200N.

Near Force, NF(N) = m(kg)  * A(m/s2)

A(m/s2)  = NF(N) / m(kg)  

A(m/s2)  = 200 / 50

A(m/s2)  = 4m/s2.

Force Formula | Physics Animation


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