Magnet Power Calculator, Formula, Magnet Power Calculation

Magnet Power Calculator:

Enter the values of inductance, L(H), cuurent, I(A) and change in time, dt(s) to determine the value of Magnet power, Pm(W).

Enter Inductance: H
Enter Current: A
Enter Change in Time: s
Result – Magnet Power: W

Magnet Power Formula:

Magnet power (Pm) refers to the energy associated with the magnetic field generated by an electrical current passing through a coil or an inductor.

This power is particularly relevant in applications involving inductors, transformers, and electromagnets.

It is a measure of the rate at which energy is stored in the magnetic field and can be described in terms of inductance, current, and the time over which the current changes.

The property of the coil or inductor that quantifies its ability to store energy in a magnetic field, measured in henrys (H).

The electrical current passing through the coil, measured in amperes (A).

The time interval over which the current changes, measured in seconds (s).

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Magnet power, Pm(W) in watts is calculated by dividing the product of 0.5, inductance, L(H) in Henry and square of cuurent, I(A) in amperes by change in time, dt(s) in seconds.

The power stored in the magnetic field of an inductor is given by:

Magnet power, Pm(W) = 0.5 * L(H) * I2(A) / dt(s)

Pm(W) = magnet power in watts, W.

L(H) = inductance in Henry, H.

I(A) = current in amperes, A.

dt(s) = change in time in seconds, s.

Magnet Power Calculation:

  1. Find the magnetic power:

Given: Inductance, L(H) = 5 H Current, I(A) = 2 A Time, dt(s) = 4 s

Magnet power, Pm(W) = 0.5 * L(H) * I2(A) / dt(s)

Pm(W) = 0.5 * 5 * 22 / 4

Pm(W) =  0.5 * 5 * 4 / 4

Pm(W) = 2.5W.

2. Finding Inductance (L)


Magnet Power Pm(W) = 10 watts

Current I(A) = 3 amperes

Time interval dt(s) = 6 seconds

Magnet power, Pm(W) = 0.5 * L(H) * I2(A) / dt(s)

L(H) = Pm(W) * dt(s) / 0.5 * I2(A)

L(H) = 10 * 6 / 0.5 * 32

L(H) = 60 / 0.5 * 9

L(H) = 60 / 4.5

L(H) = 13.33H.

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