Kilowatts to volts Conversion calculator kW to V:
As you know kW is the multiplication of current, voltage and power factor. From that, we can easily calculate the voltage from real power. For converting kW to Volts, enter the real power in kW, not watt, current and power factor then click the calculate button to get the voltage.
Also, you can calculate the different nature of the voltage such as DC, single-phase and three-phase. Also while selecting DC, you do not see power factor option. The reset button helps you to clear the existing values from the field.
Kilowatts to volts Calculation For DC:
As we said earlier, direct current does not have a power factor. Hence the DC power will be the multiplication of current and voltage. Therefore,
DC Power P(W) = Current I(A) * Voltage V(V)
While converting W to kW we need to multiple 1000 with the existing Watt value. Hence
P(kW) = 1000 * P(W)
P(kW) = 1000 * Current I(A) * Voltage V(V) ————-1
From formula 1 we can easily calculate the Voltage
V(V) = 1000 × P(kW) / I(A)
Hence 1000 times of real power divided by the current is equal to voltage.
Kilowatts to volts Calculation For Single phase:
For AC, the real power P is the multiplication of current, voltage and power factor. While considering kilo we need to again multiply by 1000.
P(kW) = 1000 * V(V) * I(A) * pf
Therefore, the voltage V
V(V) = 1000 × P(kW) / (PF × I(A) )
Volts = 1000 * real power / (pf * Amps)
Single-phase volt is the 1000 times of real power divided by multiplication of power factor and current.
Kilowatts to volts Calculation For Three-phase:
For calculating Three-phase volts, we have two formulas such as
VL-N(V) = 1000 × P(kW) / (3 × PF × I(A) )
Three-phase to neutral voltage is nothing but 1000 times of real power divided by the multiplication of three times of power factor and current.
For calculating Three-phase line to line voltage, use the below formula.
VL-L(V) = √3 x VL-N(V)
VL-L(V) = 1000 × P(kW) / (√3 × PF × I(A) )
kW to Volts Conversion chart:
look at the below table of calculation, this is taken by the random current flow for the standard motor rating. Actual current flow to be considered at the time of loading.
S. No | kW | Current Assumption
In Amps |
pf | DC Volts | Single Phase V(V) | Three phase V(L-N) | Three phase V(L-L) |
1 | 0.75 | 2 | 0.86 | 375.0 | 436.0 | 145.3 | 251.7 |
2 | 1.1 | 3 | 0.86 | 366.7 | 426.4 | 142.1 | 246.1 |
3 | 1.5 | 4 | 0.86 | 375.0 | 436.0 | 145.3 | 251.7 |
4 | 2.2 | 5 | 0.86 | 440.0 | 511.6 | 170.5 | 295.4 |
5 | 3.7 | 9 | 0.86 | 411.1 | 478.0 | 159.3 | 276.0 |
6 | 5.5 | 12 | 0.86 | 458.3 | 532.9 | 177.6 | 307.7 |
7 | 7.5 | 16 | 0.86 | 468.8 | 545.1 | 181.7 | 314.7 |
8 | 11 | 25 | 0.86 | 440.0 | 511.6 | 170.5 | 295.4 |
9 | 15 | 35 | 0.86 | 428.6 | 498.3 | 166.1 | 287.7 |
10 | 22 | 45 | 0.86 | 488.9 | 568.5 | 189.5 | 328.2 |
11 | 37 | 80 | 0.86 | 462.5 | 537.8 | 179.3 | 310.5 |
12 | 50 | 120 | 0.86 | 416.7 | 484.5 | 161.5 | 279.7 |
13 | 75 | 170 | 0.86 | 441.2 | 513.0 | 171.0 | 296.2 |
14 | 90 | 200 | 0.86 | 450.0 | 523.3 | 174.4 | 302.1 |
15 | 110 | 280 | 0.86 | 392.9 | 456.8 | 152.3 | 263.7 |
16 | 132 | 310 | 0.86 | 425.8 | 495.1 | 165.0 | 285.9 |
17 | 150 | 350 | 0.86 | 428.6 | 498.3 | 166.1 | 287.7 |
18 | 175 | 375 | 0.86 | 466.7 | 542.6 | 180.9 | 313.3 |
19 | 220 | 450 | 0.86 | 488.9 | 568.5 | 189.5 | 328.2 |
20 | 250 | 550 | 0.86 | 454.5 | 528.5 | 176.2 | 305.1 |
21 | 280 | 700 | 0.86 | 400.0 | 465.1 | 155.0 | 268.5 |
22 | 310 | 800 | 0.86 | 387.5 | 450.6 | 150.2 | 260.1 |
23 | 350 | 900 | 0.86 | 388.9 | 452.2 | 150.7 | 261.1 |
24 | 375 | 1000 | 0.86 | 375.0 | 436.0 | 145.3 | 251.7 |
25 | 420 | 1060 | 0.86 | 396.2 | 460.7 | 153.6 | 266.0 |