Induction Metre Torque Calculator:
Enter the values of rated power, rP(kW) and rated speed, rS(rpm) to determine the value of the induction torque, Tim(N.m).
Induction Metre Torque Formula:
The induction torque formula is an essential concept in electrical engineering, particularly in the study and application of electric motors. It’s used to calculate the torque produced by an induction motor, a type of alternating current (AC) electric motor that relies on electromagnetic induction to generate torque.
The induction torque, Tim(N.m) in Newton metres is calculated by the subtracting the product of rated power, rP(kW) in kilowatt and rated speed, rS(rpm) in revolution per minute from 9550.
The induction torque, Tim(N.m) = 9550 – P(W) * rS(rpm)
Tim(N.m) = induction torque in Newton metres, N.m.
P(W) = power in Watts, W.
rS(rpm) = rated speed in revolution per minute, RPM.
Induction metre torque Calculation:
- A small AC induction motor is rated at 50 watts of power, operating at a synchronous speed of 82 RPM. Calculate the induction torque generated by the motor.
Given: P(kW) = 50, rS(rpm) =82RPM
The induction torque, Tim(N.m) = 9550 – P(W) * rS(rpm)
Tim(N.m) = 9550 – 50 * 82
Tim(N.m) = 5950N.m.
- An industrial AC induction motor produced the torque of 6220N.m at a synchronous speed of 87 RPM. Determine the required power operate the motor.
Given: Tim(N.m) = 6220N.m. , rS(rpm) = 87RPM.
The induction torque, Tim(N.m) = 9550 – P(W) * rS(rpm)
P(W) = (Tim(N.m) – 9550) / rS(rpm)
P(kW) = 38kiloWatts.