HP to Torque Calculator, Formula, HP to Torque Calculation

HP to Torque Calculator:

Enter the values of Horse Power (HP) and RPM to determine the value of Torque, T(ft.lb).

Enter Horse Power: HP
Enter Rotations Per Minute: RPM
Result – Torque: ft.lb

HP to Torque Formula:

Horsepower (HP) to torque conversion is the process of calculating the rotational force (torque) a motor generates at a certain speed, based on its power output (HP). This conversion is essential for understanding the performance characteristics of engines, relating their power output to the actual rotational force applied at a given RPM (Revolutions Per Minute).

Top of Form

Torque, T(ft.lb) in pound feet is generated by dividing the product of Horse power (HP) and 5252 by RPM.

HP to Torque, T(ft.lb) = (HP * 5252) / RPM.

T(ft.lb) = Torque in pound feet, ft.lb.

HP = Horse Power,

RPM = rotations per minute.

HP to Torque Calculation:

  1. A sports car’s engine is tuned to produce 300 HP at 5000 RPM. Calculate the torque generated at this engine speed.
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Given: Horsepower (HP) = 300, RPM = 5000.

HP to Torque, T(ft.lb) = (HP * 5252) / RPM.

T(ft.lb) = (300 * 5252) / 5000

T(ft.lb) = 315.12 ft.lb

  1. An industrial electric motor operates at a speed of 2500 RPM and torque produced by the motor is 315.12 ft.lb. Determine the horse power rated by this motor.

Given: Torque, T(ft.lb) = 315.12 ft.lb , RPM = 2500.

HP to Torque, T(ft.lb) = (HP * 5252) / RPM.

315.12 = (HP * 5252) / 2500

HP = 150.



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