Flux Density Calculator, Formula, Flux Density Calculation

Flux Density Calculator:

Enter the values of magnetic flux, Փ(Wb) and area through which the flux is passing, A(m2) to determine the value of Flux density, FD(T).

Enter Magnetic Flux: Wb
Enter Area: m2
Result – Flux Density: T

Flux Density Formula:

Flux density (FD), also known as magnetic flux density or magnetic induction, measures the amount of magnetic flux through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. It is typically measured in Tesla.

Flux density – the intensity of the field passing through a unit area.

Total flux – the total amount of the field passing through a surface. The unit (Wb for magnetic field, lm for luminous flux) depends on the type of field.

Area – the surface area through which the field is passing.

Higher flux density signifies a stronger magnetic field and greater magnetic force experienced by moving charges or magnetic materials in that field.

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A smaller area concentrates the same amount of flux into a smaller space, resulting in a higher flux density (FD).

Flux density, FD(T) in tesla is calculated by dividing the magnetic flux, Փ(Wb) in weber by area through which the flux is passing, A(m2) in square metres.

Flux density, FD(T) = Փ(Wb) / A(m2)

FD(T) = flux density in Tesla, T.

Փ(Wb) = magnetic flux in Weber, Wb.

A(m2) = area in square metres, m2.

Flux Density Calculation:

  1. A magnetic field has a magnetic flux of 0.8 weber passing through an area of 0.4 square metres. What is the flux density?

Given: Փ(Wb) = 0.8Wb, A(m2) = 0.4m2.

Flux density, FD(T) = Փ(Wb) / A(m2)

FD(T) = 0.8 / 0.4

FD(T) = 2T.

  1. A region in a magnetic field has a flux density of 5 tesla and the area through which the flux is passing is 0.2 square meters. What is the magnetic flux?

Given: FD(T) = 5T, A(m2) = 0.2m2.

Flux density, FD(T) = Փ(Wb) / A(m2)

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Փ(Wb) = FD(T) * A(m2)

Փ(Wb) = 5 * 0.2

Փ(Wb) = 1Wb.


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