Convert Watt to mW, kW, MW, GW, dBm, dBW Calculator

Watt to mW, kW, MW, GW, dBm, dBW conversion calculator:

Just type the value at one field and press the calculate button to get all the watt conversion.

Enter milliwatts: mW
Enter watts: W
Enter kilowatts: kW
Enter megawatts: MW
Enter gigawatts: GW
Enter dBm: dBm
Enter dBW: dBW

How to convert watts to nano Watts (nW)

The power P in nanowatts (nW) is equal to the power P in watts (W) divided by 10 to the power minus 9:

P(nW) = P(W) / 10-9

By reversing,

1 nW = 0.000000001 W

Example: Radio and Radar receivers

How to convert watts to microwatts (µW)

The microwatt is equal to the watt divided by 10 to the power minus 6

P(µW) = P(W) ⋅ 10-6

1 µW = 0.000001 W

Example: Integrated Circuits

How to convert watts to milliwatts (mW)

The milliwatt is equal to the watt divided by 10 to the power minus 3

P(mW) = P(W) ⋅ 10-3

Learn More:   Circular Waveguide Calculation, Formula, Example

1 mW = 0.001 W

Example: Smart Phone

How to convert watts to kilowatts (kW)

The kilowatt is equal to the watt divided by 10 to the power 3

P(µW) = P(W) ⋅ 103

1 kW = 1000 W

Example: Motors, drier, grinder

How to convert watts to Megawatts (MW)

The kilowatt is equal to the watt divided by 10 to the power 6

P(µW) = P(W) ⋅ 106

1 MW = 1000000 W

Example: Turbo Alternator

How to convert watts to Giga-watts (GW)

The gigawatt is equal to the watt divided by 10 to the power 6

P(GW) = P(W) ⋅ 109

1 GW = 1000000000 W

Example: Transmission Lines

How to convert watts to dBW

The power P in decibel-milliwatts (dBW) is equal to 10 times base 10 logarithms of the power P in watts (W) divided by 1 watt:

P(dBW) = 10 ⋅ log10P(W) / 1W)

Example: Fibre-optic communication cables


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