Centripetal Velocity Calculator:
Enter the values of Traveled Distance D(m), Radius r(m) & Time t(sec) to determine the value of Centripetal Velocity Vc(rad/s) .
Centripetal Velocity Formula:
The Centripetal Velocity Vc(rad/s) in radian per second is equal to the Traveled Distance D(m) in meter is Divided by the Radius r(m) in meter and multiply the Time t(sec) in second.
The Formula of Centripetal Velocity can be writtern as,
Vc(rad/s) = D(m) / ( r(m) * t(sec) )
Vc(rad/s) = Centripetal Velocity in radian per second
D(m) = Traveled Distance in meter
r(m) = Radius in meter
t(sec) = Time in second
Centripetal Velocity Calculation :
1)Calculate the Centripetal Velocity and given for Traveled Distance = 40m , Radius = 5m , Time = 5s.
Vc = D / ( r * t )
Vc = 40 / ( 5 * 5 )
Vc = 1.6rad/s.
2)Calculate the Time and given for Traveled Distance = 40m , Radius = 5m , Centripetal Velocity = 1.6rad/s.
Vc = D / ( r * t )
1.6 = 40 / ( 5 * t )
t = 5s.