Capacitive Current Calculator, Formula, Capacitive Calculation

Capacitive Current Calculator

Enter the values of capacitance, C(F) and rate of change of voltage, dV/dt(V/s) to determine the value of Capacitive current, Icap(A).

Enter Capacitance: F
Enter Rate of Change of Voltage: V/s
Result – Capacitive Current: A

Capacitive Current Formula:

Capacitive current is the current that flows through a capacitor when the voltage across it changes.

This current is a direct result of the capacitor’s ability to store and release energy in the form of an electric field between its plates.

Capacitors oppose changes in voltage by generating a current proportional to the rate of change of voltage across them.

This phenomenon is essential in AC circuits, signal processing, and various electronic applications where capacitors are used for filtering, coupling, and decoupling signals.

Capacitive current is particularly significant in high-frequency circuits where rapid voltage changes occur. It is also crucial in understanding the behaviour of capacitors in transient conditions, such as during the charging and discharging phases.

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The rate of voltage change directly influences the magnitude of the capacitive current, making it vital to monitor in dynamic electronic systems to ensure proper functionality and prevent component damage.

Capacitive current, Icap(A) in amperes is calculated by the product of capacitance, C(F) in farads and rate of change of voltage, dV/dt(V/s) in volts per second.

Capacitive current, Icap(A) = C(F) * dV/dt(V/s)

Icap(A) = capacitive current in amperes, A.

C(F) = capacitance in farads, F.

dV/dt(V/s) = rate of change of voltage in volts per second, V/s.

Capacitive Current Calculation:

  1. Calculate the capacitive current for a capacitor with a capacitance of 10 microfarads and a voltage change rate of 5 volts per second:

Given: C(F) = 10 * 10-6, dV/dt(V/s) = 5V/s.

Capacitive current, Icap(A) = C(F) * dV/dt(V/s)

Icap(A) = 10 * 10-6 * 5

Icap(A) = 0.00005A.

  1. If the capacitive current is 0.02 amperes and the capacitance is 4 microfarads, calculate the rate of voltage change:

Given: C(F) = 4 * 10-6, Icap(A) = 0.02A.

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Capacitive current, Icap(A) = C(F) * dV/dt(V/s)

dV/dt(V/s) = Icap(A) / C(F)

dV/dt(V/s) = 0.02 / 4 * 10-6

dV/dt(V/s) = 5000V/s.


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