Bend Force Calculator, Formula, Bend Force Calculato Calculation

Bend Force Calculator:

Enter the values of material’s specific constant, k, length of the bend, L(m), tensile strength of the material, St(N/m2), thickness of the material, t(m) and die opening, d(m) to determine the value of bend force, BF(N).

Enter Length of the Bend: m
Enter Tensile Strength: N/m2
Enter Thickness of the Material: m
Enter Die Opening: m
Result – Bend Force Calculator: N

Bend Force Formula:

The Bend Force Calculator is designed to estimate the force required to bend a sheet of metal to a specific angle, taking into account the material’s properties and the dimensions of the bend.

Bend force, BF(N) in Newton is equated by dividing the product of  material’s specific constant, k, length of the bend in meters, L(m) in metres, tensile strength of the material, St(N/m2) in Newtons per square meter, thickness of the material, t(m) in metres by die opening, d(m) in metres.

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Bend force, BF(N) = k * L(m) * St(N/m2) * t2(m) / d(m)

BF(N) = bend force in Newton, N.

k = materials specific constant.

L(m) = length of the bend in metres, m.

St(N/m2) = tensile strength in Newton per metre squared.

t(m) = thickness of the material in metre, m.

d(m) = die opening in metre, m.

Bend Force Calculation:

1. Determining the Force to Bend a Steel Plate

Given: k = 1.33, L(m) = 1m,  St(N/m2) = 400*106 N/m2,  t(m) = 0.005m, d(m) = 0.05m.

Bend force, BF(N) = k * L(m) * St(N/m2) * t2(m) / d(m)

BF(N) = 1.33 * 1 * 400 * 106 * 0.0052 / 0.05

BF(N) = 26600N.

      2. Bend Force, BF(N)  = 20000 N,  Material constant, k = 1.5, Bend length, L(m) =  1m,

       Tensile strength, St(N/m2)  = 500 ×106 N/m² (500 MPa), Material thickness, t(m)  =


 Bend force, BF(N) = k * L(m) * St(N/m2) * t2(m) / d(m)

 d(m) = k * L(m) * St(N/m2) * t2(m) / BF(N)

d(m) = 1.5 * 1 * 500 * 106 * 0.0042 /  20000N

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d(m) = 12,000/20000

d(m) = 0.6m.


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