AC Current Calculator, Formula, Current Calculation

AC Current Calculator

Enter the values of power, Pac(W) and resistance, R(Ω) to determine the value of AC current, Iac(A).

Enter Power in Watts: W
Enter Resistance in ohms: Ω
Result – AC Current: A

AC Current Formula:

AC current, or alternating current, is an electric current in which the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.

In AC circuits, voltage levels typically vary sinusoidally. This type of current is used in households and industries for powering appliances and machinery due to its efficiency in long-distance power transmission.

In alternating current (AC) systems, the current changes direction periodically, typically sinusoidally, which is different from direct current (DC) systems where current flows in only one direction.

For AC circuits, the RMS values are used because they represent the equivalent DC value which would deliver the same power to the load.

AC current, Iac(A) in amperes is calculated by dividing the square root of power, Pac(W) in watts by resistance, R(Ω) in ohms.

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AC current, Iac(A) = √(Pac(W) / R(Ω))

Iac(A) = AC current in amperes, A.

Pac(W) = power in watts, W.

R(Ω) = resistance in ohms, Ω.

AC Current Calculation:

  1. Calculate the RMS current for an AC circuit with a power consumption of 200 watts and a resistance of 50 ohms.

Given: Pac(W) = 200W, R(Ω) = 50 Ω.

AC current, Iac(A) = √(Pac(W) / R(Ω))

Iac(A) = √(200 / 50)

Iac(A) =√4

Iac(A) = 2A.

  1. Determine the power consumption if an AC circuit draws an RMS current of 5 amperes through a resistance of 20 ohms.

Given: Iac(A) = 5A, R(Ω) = 20 Ω.

AC current, Iac(A) = √(Pac(W) / R(Ω))

Pac(W) = I2ac(A) * R(Ω)

Pac(W) = 52 * 20

Pac(W) = 25 * 20

Pac(W) = 500W.


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