Acceleration to Impulse Calculator, Formula, Acceleration to Impulse Calculation

Acceleration to Impulse Calculator:

Enter the values of mass, m(kg), acceleration, a(m/s2) and time, t(s) to determine the value of Impulse, I(N-s).

Enter Mass: kg
Enter Acceleration: m/s2
Enter Time in Seconds: s
Result – Impulse: N-s

Acceleration to Impulse Formula:

Impulse signifies the change in momentum of an object when a force is applied over a certain period. It is directly proportional to the mass, acceleration and the time for which the force acts.

Impulse is measured in newton-seconds (N-s) and represents the effect of a force acting over time.

Mass of the object being pushed or accelerated. A heavier object requires a larger impulse for the same change in motion.

Acceleration experienced by the object due to the force. A greater acceleration for a given time signifies a higher impulse.

Time duration for which the force acts. A longer push (or force application) translates to a larger impulse.

A force (like your throw) acts on an object (the ball) for a certain time (t). This force causes the object’s mass (m) to accelerate (a).

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The impulse (I) captures the overall effect of this force acting for that time, resulting in a change of momentum (mass times velocity) of the object.

Impulse, I(N-s) in Newton second is calculated by the product of mass, m(kg) in kilograms, acceleration, a(m/s2) in metres per second squared and time, t(s) in seconds.

Impulse, I(N-s) = m(kg) * a(m/s2) * t(s)

I(N-s) = impulse in Newton seconds, N-s.

m(kg) = mass in kilograms, kg.

a(m/s2) = acceleration in metres per second squared, m/s2.

t(s) = time in seconds, s.

Acceleration to Impulse Calculation:

  1. Finding Impulse using Mass, Acceleration, and Time:

Given: m(kg) = 10kg, a(m/s2) = 2 m/s2, t(s) = 5s.

Impulse, I(N-s) = m(kg) * a(m/s2) * t(s)

I(N-s) = 10 * 2 * 5

I(N-s) = 100N-s.

  1. Finding Time using Impulse, Mass, and Acceleration:

Given: m(kg) = 5kg, a(m/s2) =  3m/s2, I(N-s) = 150N-s.

Impulse, I(N-s) = m(kg) * a(m/s2) * t(s)

t(s) = I(N-s) / m(kg) * a(m/s2)

t(s) = 150 / 5 * 3

t(s) = 10s.


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