Stopping Power Calculator, Formula, Stopping Power Calculation

Stopping Power Calculator:

Enter the values of kinetic energy, KE(J) and stopping times, t(s) to determine the value of Stopping power, Ps(W).

Enter Kinetic Energy: J
Enter Time: s
Result – Stopping Power : W

Stopping Power Formula:

Stopping power (Ps) signifies the rate at which a moving object’s kinetic energy is dissipated over time, typically measured in watts (W). It reflects how quickly an object can be brought to a stop by converting its kinetic energy into other forms of energy, such as heat or deformation.

A higher initial kinetic energy (KE) of the object translates to a higher stopping power, indicating more energy needs to be dissipated to bring the object to rest.

The resistance or force applied to stop the object acts as a bottleneck, influencing the rate of energy dissipation. Higher resistance or force leads to higher instantaneous stopping power.

More kinetic energy in the object at the start indicates a higher rate of energy dissipation required, leading to a quicker stop (for a given stopping force).

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The material or medium through which the object is stopped can influence the rate of energy dissipation. Higher resistance in the medium results in a higher stopping power for the same initial kinetic energy.

Imagine a car coming to a stop. The rate at which it stops is related to the stopping power it requires at any given moment. As the force applied to stop the car varies, the power consumption also varies.

Stopping power, Ps(W) in watts is calculated by dividing the kinetic energy, KE(J) in joules by stopping times, t(s) in seconds.

Stopping power, Ps(W) = KE(J) / t(s)

Ps(W) = stopping power in watts, W.

KE(J) = kinetic energy in joules, J.

t(s) = time in seconds, s.

Stopping Power Calculation:

1. Finding Stopping Power (Ps)


Kinetic energy KE(J) = 960 J

Time t(s) = 4 s

Stopping power, Ps(W) = KE(J) / t(s)

Ps(W) = 960 / 4

Ps(W) = 240W.

2. Finding Kinetic Energy (KE)


Stopping power Ps(W) = 500 W

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Time t(s) = 10 s

Stopping power, Ps(W) = KE(J) / t(s)

KE(J) = Ps(W) * t(s)

KE(J) = 500 * 10

KE(J) = 5000J.


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