Water Wheel Power Calculator, Formula, Water Wheel Power Calculation

Water Wheel Power Calculator:

Enter the values of height, H(m), flow rate of water, Q(m3/s) and acceleration due to gravity, g(m/s2) to determine the value of Water wheel power, Pww(W).

Enter Height: m
Enter Flow Rate: m3/s
Result – Water Wheel Power: W

Water Wheel Power Formula:

Water wheel power signifies the energy generated by a water wheel due to the movement of water, typically measured in watts (W). It reflects the power derived from the potential energy of water flowing through the wheel, which is converted into mechanical energy.

The power output depends on the height (H) of the water fall, the flow rate (Q) of the water, and the acceleration due to gravity (g). A higher water flow rate and greater height result in increased power generation.

Higher water head translates to greater potential energy in the falling water, leading to potentially higher power generation. More water flowing through the wheel per second (higher Q) signifies more kinetic energy available for conversion, potentially increasing power output.

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Flowing water from a higher elevation (creating a net head) possesses both potential and kinetic energy. The water channels through the water wheel, pushing against the blades. This force causes the wheel to rotate, converting the water’s energy into mechanical work.

Water wheel power, Pww(W) in watts is calculated by the product height, H(m) in metres, flow rate of water, Q(m3/s) in cubic metre per second and acceleration due to gravity, g(m/s2) in metres per second squared.

Water wheel power, Pww(W) = H(m) * Q(m3/s) * g(m/s2)

Pww(W) = water wheel power in watts, W.

H(m) = height in metres, m.

Q(m3/s) = flow rate in cubic metres per second, m3/s.

g(m/s2) = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2 (9.81m/s2).

Water Wheel Power Calculation:

1. Finding Power Output:


Height of the water fall, H(m) = 10 m

Flow rate of water, Q(m3/s) = 0.5 m³/s

Water wheel power, Pww(W) = H(m) * Q(m3/s) * g(m/s2)

Pww(W) = 10 * 0.5 * 9.81

Pww(W) = 49.05W.

2. Finding Flow Rate (Q)


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Power output of the water wheel, Pww(W) = 196.2 W

Height of the water fall, H(m) = 20 m

Water wheel power, Pww(W) = H(m) * Q(m3/s) * g(m/s2)

Q(m3/s) = Pww(W) / H(m) * g(m/s2)

Q(m3/s) = 196.2 / 20 * 9.81

Q(m3/s) = 1m3/s.


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