Shunt Current Calculator, Formula, Shunt Current Calculation

Shunt Current Calculator:

Enter the values of total current, It(A) and current across the resistor, Ir(A) to determine the value of Shunt current, Is(A).

Enter Total Current: A
Enter Current Across the Resistor: A
Result – Shunt Current: A

Shunt Current Formula:

The shunt current refers to the current that flows through a shunt or an alternative pathway in a circuit.

Shunt currents can occur in various settings, such as in electrical grounding systems or in circuits where parallel paths exist unintentionally due to faulty insulation or design.

The total current, It(A)  flowing in the circuit before any division or shunting occurs.

The part of the current that flows through the main circuit or returns via the primary intended pathway is the current across the resistor, Ir(A).

In systems where shunt currents are expected or need to be monitored, devices like shunt resistors are used.

These resistors allow for the precise measurement of current flow through a known, low resistance, enabling accurate monitoring and control of the electrical system.

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Shunt current, Is(A) in amperes equals the difference of total current, It(A) in amperes and current across the resistor, Ir(A) in amperes.

Shunt current, Is(A) = It(A) – Ir(A)

Is(A) = shunt current in amperes, A.

It(A) = total current in amperes, A.

Ir(A)  = current across the resistor in amperes, A.

Shunt Current Calculation:

  1. Calculate the shunt current in a circuit where the total current is 25 amperes, and the returned current through the main pathway is 20 amperes.

Given: It(A) = 25A, Ir(A)  = 20A.

Shunt current, Is(A) = It(A) – Ir(A)

Is(A)  = It(A)  – Ir(A)  

Is(A)  = 25 – 20

Is(A)  = 5A.

  1. Given a total current of 30 amperes and a shunt current of 4 amperes, calculate the returned current through the main pathway.

Given: It(A) = 30A, Is(A)  = 4A.

Shunt current, Is(A) = It(A) – Ir(A)

Ir(A)  = It(A) – Is(A)

Ir(A)  = 30 – 4

Ir(A)  =  26A.


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