Norton Current Calculator, Formula, Norton Calculation

Norton Current Calculator:

Enter the values of thevenin voltage, Vt(V) and thevenin resistance, Rt(Ω) to determine the value of Norton current, In(A).

Enter Thevenin Voltage: V
Enter Thevenin Resistance: Ω
Result – Norton Current: A

Norton Current Formula:

Norton Current refers to the equivalent current source in Norton’s theorem, a fundamental principle used in electrical engineering to simplify complex linear circuits.

Norton’s theorem states that any linear electrical network with voltage sources and resistances can be replaced by a single current source in parallel with a single resistor.

This current is equivalent to the short-circuit current that flows between two points in a circuit.

The calculation of Norton current involves determining the current that would flow if the terminals of interest were short-circuited, assuming all independent sources are active while dependent sources retain their dependency conditions.

Norton’s Theorem states that any linear electrical network with voltage sources and resistances can be simplified to a single current source in parallel with a single resistor.

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Norton current, In(A) in amperes is calculated by dividing the thevenin voltage, Vt(V) in volts by thevenin resistance, Rt(Ω) in ohms.

Norton current, In(A) = Vt(V) / Rt(Ω)

In(A) = Norton current in amperes, A.

Vt(V) = thevenin voltage in volts, V.

Rt(Ω) = thevenin resistance in ohms, Ω.

Norton Current Calculation:

  1. Calculate the Norton current for a network with a thevenin voltage of 12 volts across the terminals and a thevenin resistance of 6 ohms:

Given: Vt(V) = 12V, Rt(Ω) = 6 Ω.

Norton current, In(A) = Vt(V) / Rt(Ω)

In(A) = 12 / 6

In(A) = 2A.

  1. Determine the thevenin resistance, if the Norton current is 4 amperes and the thevenin voltage across the terminals is 16 volts:

Given: Vt(V) = 16V, In(A) = 4A.

Norton current, In(A) = Vt(V) / Rt(Ω)

Rt(Ω) = Vt(V) / In(A)

Rt(Ω) = 16 / 4

Rt(Ω) = 4 Ω.


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