Horsepower to Force Tractive Force Calculator, Formula, Horsepower to Force Tractive Force Calculation

Horsepower to Force Calculator:>

Enter the values of horsepower, HP, time, T(s) and distance, D(ft) to determine the value of force, F(lb).

Enter Horsepower: ft-lb/s
Enter Time: s
Enter Distance: ft
Result – Force: lb

Horsepower to Force Formula:

The conversion from horsepower to force involves calculating the force exerted by an engine or motor based on its horsepower rating, the duration for which the force is applied (time in seconds), and the distance over which the force is applied.

Force, F(lb) in pounds, is calculated by multiplying the horsepower, HP(ft-lb/s) in foot-pounds per second by the time, T(s) in seconds, and the constant 550 (1 horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second), then dividing by the distance, D(ft) in feet.

Force, F(lb) = HP(ft-lb/s) * T(s) * 550 / D(ft)

F(lb) = force in pounds, lb.

HP(ft-lb/s) = horsepower in foot-pounds per second, ft-lb/s.

T(s) = time in seconds, s

D(ft) = distance in feet, ft.

Learn More:   Work Done by Torque Calculator, Formula, Work Done by Torque Calculation

Horsepower to Force Calculation:

  1. Determine the force generated by a 50 HP motor that runs for 5 seconds to lift an elevator a distance of 25 feet.

Given: HP(ft-lb/s) = 50HP, T(s) = 5s, D(ft) = 25ft.

Force, F(lb) = HP(ft-lb/s) * T(s) * 550 / D(ft)

F(lb) = 50 * 5 * 550 / 25

F(lb) = 5500lb.

  1. Suppose you have a motor with 100 horsepower exerting force for 2 seconds and you know the force produced is 11000 pounds. Calculate the distance over which the force is applied.

Given: HP(ft-lb/s) = 100HP, T(s) = 2s, F(lb) = 11000lb.

Force, F(lb) = HP(ft-lb/s) * T(s) * 550 / D(ft)

D(ft) = HP(ft-lb/s) * T(s) * 550 / F(lb)

D(ft) = 100 * 2 * 550 / 11000

D(ft) = 10ft.


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