Magnetomotive Force Calculator, Formula, Magnetomotive Force Calculation

Magnetomotive Force Calculator:>

Enter the values of current, I(A) and the number of turns, N to determine the value of magnetomotive force, mmF(A⋅turns).

Enter Current: A
Enter Number of Turns:
Result – Magnetomotive Force: A⋅turns

Magnetomotive Force Formula:

Magnetomotive force measures the force that generates a magnetic field in a magnetic circuit. It is analogous to electromotive force in an electrical circuit.

Magnetomotive force, mmF(A⋅turns) in ampere-turns is calculated by multiplying the current, I(A) in amperes by the number of turns, N in the coil.

Magnetomotive force, mmF(A⋅turns) = I(A) * N

mmF(A⋅turns) = magnetomotive force in ampere-turns, A-turns.

I(A) = current in amperes, A.

N = number of turns in the coil, N.

Magnetomotive Force Calculation:

  1. A coil with 50 turns carries a current of 2 Amperes. Calculate the magnetomotive force.

Given: I(A) = 2A, N = 50.

Magnetomotive force, mmF(A⋅turns) = I(A) * N

mmF(A⋅turns) = 2 * 50

mmF(A⋅turns) = 100A-turns.

  1. Suppose we have a magnetomotive force of 150 A⋅turns and a current of 3 Amperes. Find the number of turns in the coil.
Learn More:   Shunt Current Calculator, Formula, Shunt Current Calculation

Given: I(A) = 3A, mmF(A⋅turns) = 150A-turns.

Magnetomotive force, mmF(A⋅turns) = I(A) * N

N = mmF(A⋅turns) / I(A)

N = 150 / 3

N = 50.


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