Gauss to Pull Force Calculator, Formula, Gauss to Pull Force Calculation

Gauss to Pull Force Calculator:>

Enter the values of magnetic field strength, G, the current, I(Amps) and distance, D(m) todetermine the value of force, F(N).

Enter Magnetic Field Strength:
Enter Current: Amps
Enter Distance: m
Result – Force: N

Gauss to Pull Force Formula:

The Gauss to pull force conversion quantifies the force exerted by a magnetic field, measured in Gauss, as it acts over a certain distance and with a specific current, expressing the interaction’s strength in Newtons.

Force, F(N) in Newtons is calculated by multiplying the magnetic field strength, G in gauss with a conversion factor, the current, I(Amps) in amperes and the distance, D(m) in metres.

Force, F(N) = G *  0.0001 * I(Amps) * D(m)

F(N) = force in Newtons, N.

G = magnetic field strength in Gauss, G.

I(Amps) = current in amperes, Amps.

D(m) = distance in metres, m.

Gauss to Pull Force Calculation:

  1. Calculate the Pull Force of a 1000 Gauss Magnet with 2 Amps Current at a Distance of 0.05 metres.
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Given: G = 1000G, I(Amps) = 2Amps, D(m) = 0.05m.

Force, F(N) = G *  0.0001 * I(Amps) * D(m)

F(N) = 1000 * 0.0001 * 2 * 0.05

F(N) = 0.01N.

  1. Let’s solve a problem where the force is 5 Newtons, the current is 10 Amperes, and the distance is 2 metres. Find magnetic field strength in Gauss, G.

Given: F(N) = 5N, I(Amps) = 10Amps, D(m) = 2m.

Force, F(N) = G *  0.0001 * I(Amps) * D(m)

G = F(N) / 0.0001 * I(Amps) * D(m)

G = 5 / 0.0001 * 10 * 2

G = 2500G.


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