Pound Mass to Pound Force Calculator:
Enter the values of the mass of the object m(lbs) & the accelaration of gravity g(32.174049 ft/s^2) to determine the value of the pound mass to pound force lbf(lb-f).
Pound Mass to Pound Force Formula:
The sum of the pound mass to pound force lbf(lb-f) in lb-f and the mass of the object m(lbs) in lbs multiply to the accelaration of gravity g(32.174049 ft/s^2) in feet per second squared into calculate the pound mass to pound force lbf(lb-f).
The equation of the pound force to pound mass lbf(lb-f),
lbf(lb-f) = m(lbs) * g(32.174049 ft/s^2)
lbf(lb-f) = the pound mass to pound force in lb-f
m(lbs) = the mass of the object in lbs
g(32.174049 ft/s^2) = the accelaration of gravity in feet per second squared
Calculation for Pound Mass to Pound Force:
1)To determined the pound mass and the mass of the object 15lbs and the gravity 32.174049 ft/s2
lbf = lb * g
lbf = 15 * 32.174049 = mass equal to .45359237 kilograms
lbf = 482.61lb-f
2)To determined the mass of the object and the pound mass 480lb-f and the gravity 32.174049 ft/s2
lbf = lb * g
480 = lb * 32.174049
lb = 14.91lbs