Miles Per Hour to Force Calculator, Formula, Miles Per Hour to Force Calculation

Miles Per Hour to Force Calculator:

Enter the values of The Velocity of the Car V(mph) , The Radius R(m) & Gravity g to Determine the Value of G Force Gf(Newton) .

Enter the velocity of the car: mph
Enter the radius: m
Result – G Force: Newton

Miles Per Hour to Force Formula:

To calculate the Miles Per Hour to G force Gf(Newton) in Newton and the velocity of the car V(mph) in miles per hour to square of the car over 2.237 and divided by the radius R(m) in meter and then divided by the gravity (9.81) to find the Miles Per Hour to G force Gf(Newton).

The formula of the Miles Per Hour to G force Gf(Newton),

Gf(Newton)  = ( V(mph) / 2.237 )2 / R(m) / 9.81


Gf(Newton)  = G force in Newton

V(mph) = the velocity of the car in miles per hour

R(m) = the radius in meter

g = gravity (9.81)

Calculation for Miles Per Hour to Force:

To determined the G force and the velocity 45mph and the radius 20m

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Gf = ( V / 2.237 )2 /  R / 9.81

Gf = ( 45 / 2.237 )2 / 20 / 9.81

Gf = 2.06N

To determined the radius and the G force 2N and the velocity 45mph


Gf = ( V / 2.237 )2 /  R / 9.81

2 = ( 45 / 2.237 )2  / R / 9.81

R = 20.62meter


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