Torque to Force Calculator, Formula, Torque to Force Calculation

Torque to Force Calculator:

Enter the values of torque, t(N.m), radius, r(m) and sine of the angle, a to determine the value of torque to Force, F(N).

Enter Torque: N.m
Enter Radius: m
Enter Angle between the Force Direction and a Line Perpendicular to the Radiu: a
Result – Force: N

Torque to Force Formula:

The conversion from torque to force is essential in mechanics to understand how much linear force is generated from rotational force (torque) applied at a given radius and angle.

Torque to Force, F(N) in Newtons, can be calculated by dividing the torque, t(N.m) in Newton metres, by the product of the radius, r(m) in metres and the sine of the angle, a between the force direction and a line perpendicular to the radius.

Torque to Force, F(N) = t(N.m) / r(m) * sin(a)

F(N) = force in Newtons, N.

t(N.m) = torque in Newton metres, N.m.

r(m) = radius in metres

a = angle between the force direction and a line perpendicular to the radius in degrees.

Learn More:   Maximum Angular Velocity Calculator, Formula, Maximum Angular Velocity Calculation

Torque to Force Calculation:

1. Given a torque of 120 N.m applied with a wrench of length 0.5 metres at an angle of 60 degrees to the perpendicular of the wrench handle, calculate the force exerted.

Given: t(N.m) = 120N.m, r(m) = 0.5m, a = 60degrees.

Torque to Force, F(N) = t(N.m) / r(m) * sin(a)

F(N) = 120 / 0.5 * sin(60)

F(N) = 120 / 0.5 * 0.866

F(N) =277.1 N.

2. A force of 200N is applied. The radius (distance from the pivot point to where the force is applied) is 0.4 metres. The angle, a between the force direction and a line perpendicular to the radius is 30 degrees and determine torque required.


Given: F(N) =200 N., r(m) = 0.4m, a = 30degrees.

Torque to Force, F(N) = t(N.m) / r(m) * sin(a)

t(N.m) = F(N) * r(m) * sin(a)

t(N.m) = 200 * 0.4 * sin(30)

t(N.m) = 200 * 0.4 * 0.5

t(N.m) = 40N.m.


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