Why Does Bird Not Get Shock on Transmission lines?

Why Does Bird Not Get Shock on Transmission lines?

In small age my parent always said this word” do not touch the electrical poles”, that time I really fear about the electricity. At that same time, I daily saw some birds were sitting on the transformer’s incoming 11kV side. I was confused, so I thought that the birds were wear some special type of insulated shoes. But I do not know the real reason. So that in this tutorial, we are going to find out the real reason behind the birds.

Remember once again the electrical current (flow of electron) is always flow in the short circuit path. In Any living thing, top of the skin there should be some dead cells, dead cells creates high resistance or opposes the flow of current. This principle uses in electrical insulated shoes manufacturing. The birds contain lot of dead cells on their foot, hence it works like insulator (high resistance). Here the resistance of the transmission line is lesser then the bird’s resistance. To penetrate this to flow of electrical current, it needs some potential difference (voltage) across it, but the bird sitting on the same line, so the potential difference V across the bird is V=Ibird* Rtranmission= few micro voltage as the Rtranmission =micro ohms appx. therefore, V=0 appx.. because of the resistance of parallel transmission conductor is very less, typically in micro ohms at the bird’s position. So that the voltage drop across the bird’s position is zero. So Net Energy consumed is zero. Therefore, The total current will pass through the transmission conductor. That’s why the birds do not experience an electrical shock when it sits of the electrical lines.
Why Does Bird Not Get Shock on Transmission lines?

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Note: If the resistance of the transmission line is greater than the bird’s resistance, then the bird will become fry.
Why Does Bird Not Get Shock on Transmission lines?

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